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Cross-border special for European and American wigs female wigs hair extensions five clips curls chemical fiber hair curtain manufacturers spot wholesale
>= 5 box
Inventory Location:
China , Djibouti
Weekly Sea Freight, LCL; Air Freight
Lead Time:
7-30days, subject to order volumn
Shipping Time:
15 Days (to Djibouti)
From China:
23 Days (to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
Product Description











 Ali 2











The wigs you get are all factory-made and you can take care of them according to your personal preferences and style. Everyone takes different care methods, everyone's face shape and head shape are different, the effect of wearing them may be different, please don't question our product quality and similarity! If there is any objection, please prevail in kind!


There will be some hair loss just after getting the wig, we all regard it as normal.


Notes on wigs:
1 & mdash;
Wigs are generally1-2Wash around1Can be based on the frequency of obedient wear
2 & mdash;
Wash in cold or warm water, use normal shampoo when washingOKCan be combined with general conditioner
3 & mdash;
Try not to dry the wig with a high temperature wind such as a hair dryer. Use a dry towel to gently absorb excess water from the wig and place it in a ventilated place to avoid direct sunlight to damage the wig
4 & mdash;
Don't comb the wig immediately after washing, you should wait for the wig to dry before combing
5 & ​​mdash;
Comb with a special comb for wigs(Steel comb or iron comb is better)Don't use a plastic comb!
6 & mdash;
Basically, you do n’t need to use a comb to curl your hair.
7 & mdash;
If the wig is used for a long time and the knot is not easy to comb, do not pull it hard. You should spray a non-oily maintenance liquid for wigs.,Then slowly and carefully open
8 & mdash;
Be careful not to spray the styling agent used on real hair such as philosophical water and hair wax on the wig.
9 & mdash;
Using the non-oily maintenance solution for wigs is also very simple: just spray a few times on the wig before taking it)Makes the wig soft and shiny and prevents static electricity, keeping the wig moisturized as it was when you just bought it back!
10 & mdash;
Wigs can be tied up, but you ca n’t tie them too high or your real hair will run out
11 & mdash;
When combing a long wig, you should divide the wig into several lengths. Comb from bottom to top. It must be light and patient.
12 & mdash;
It is normal to have a small amount of hair loss during the finishing process
13 & mdash;
I usually put it in the original packaging without wearing it, and I will restore it when I take it away


common problem(Buyers must-read):
Q: I am& times; & times;Face shape/I send you a picture, can help me choose a suitable oneff?
A: Everyone's characteristics are different and cannot be generalized. And notmmThe face shape is only suitable for one styleff, So it is difficult to answer such questions in time,mmYou can choose your favorite hairstyle first, and then tell us, and then give you a reference.


2Q: My own hair is very long, can I bring short hair?
A: Your hair should be tied up and put in the wig, so it has nothing to do with your hair, anymmYou can wear a wig. Tie one's hair2Braid,Then go up and use a clip to flatten, all the hair is flat on the head, it is more convenient to cover your own hair with the hair net in the store. Ask us for specific steps and we will teach you.


3Q: Can the wig be taken out during the day, will it be fake?
Answer: The hair is very realistic, very thin and soft, and the gloss and feel are very good, manymmThey are brought to school every day, so do n’t worry.


4Q: Is the hair of the wig real? What is the material?
A: It ’s not a real human hair. The human hair is not so long. There are thousands of them. They are imported from Japan. They have good gloss and feel.


5ask:ffColor problem.
Answer: Some photos are taken because of light and camera.mmBe sure to ask Xuan about color issues before buying


6Q: Will the wig fall off with the wind?
A: There are elastic bands inside, you can also adjust the size, there are also those who learn to dancemmIt ’s worn every day, it ’s okay not to blow the wind~ `Of course, if you pull hard, it wo n’t work.


7Q: Will the wig lose hair? Can it be combed?
A: When you get the new wig, you will lose some floating hair, which is the loose woven ones. After brushing off the floating hair, it won't drop much in the future. So getffDon't worry about hair loss later. Wigs should be combed with steel teeth, and plastic or wood combs will hurt the hair.(Available in steel tooth comb shop). Except for very volumeffNo need to comb, everything else can be combed. When combing, put it on your head and then comb. Hold the hair root comb, don't pull hard, first comb through the bottom, and then comb from the top.


Q: How to clean the wig?
Answer: Wash in cold or warm water. Ordinary shampoo is enough. You can use some conditioner. According to the frequency of wearing, generally in1-2Wash around1Times. Air dry after washing.


9Q: How do I put the wig?
Answer: Fortunately, it is put in the original packaging, and when you wear it, it shakes a few times to restore it to its original state.


10Q: Can I wear a wig?
Answer: In addition to high ponytails, other methods are casually tied. Because the ponytail tied high will reveal the hair net underneath


11Q: How to maintain and care for wigs?


answer:ffNo special care is required. After wearing it, you only need to sort out the messy place slowly, very curlyffSlowly separate with your hands, and do n’t leave them in a mess, otherwise you will get more and more knotted. Baby must be patient + careful~answer:ffNo special care is required. After wearing it, you only need to sort out the messy place slowly, very curlyffSlowly separate with your hands, and do n’t leave them in a mess, otherwise you will get more and more knotted. Baby must be patient + careful


12Q: If the wig I bought feels unsuitable for me, can I change it?
Answer: After the wig is sent, it will not be accepted without quality problems& ldquo;dislike& rdquo; & ldquo;Not suitable& rdquo; & ldquo;There is a gap with imagination& rdquo;Wait for various reasons to request a return. If you send the wrong goods or the wrong color, pleasemmDo n’t cut the tag, contact us that day.


13Q: How long does it take to wear a wig? Would it be time-consuming in the morning?
Answer: When you wear it for the first time, it may take a long time to figure it out.2Don't get it in minutes~~It ’s like wearing contact lenses^^


14Q: Do you have fake fever in summer?
Answer: The top of the wig is designed with a breathable mesh cover, which is related to everyone's perception. ManymmAll brought a summer.



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